# Random Linux Tips (WIP) ### 0. *Short example template.* - Description: *What is this good for.* - Requires: *Do you need any particular software (provide a link)?* - How-to: *Straight forward description and maybe a code example.* - *Detailled description if necessary.* - `sudo this is the actual code lol` - Aditionally: *Anything else that might be important like additional ressources.* ### 1. Automatically clear cache. - Description: Move files older than a specific amount of time from your user's ~/.cache directory to the trash. - Requires: [rmtrash](https://github.com/PhrozenByte/rmtrash). - How-to: Add the following line to your crontab using the command "crontab -e" (or EDITOR=$editor crontab -e). - `0 17 * * * /usr/bin/find ~/.cache/* -mtime +7 -exec /usr/bin/rmtrash -rf {} \;` - This command looks at files in ~/.cache every day at 5 p.m. and moves files older than 7 days to the trash. - Additionally: This can also be done using regular `rm` instead of `rmtrash`. ### 2. Limit Systemd journal size. - Description: Limit the Systemd journal to a specific size. - Requires: Specific to systems using [Systemd](https://systemd.io/). - How-to: - Edit `/etc/systemd/journald.conf` and change `SystemMaxUse=50M`. - Additionally: [ArchWiki: Systemd](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Systemd/Journal#Journal_size_limit). - Additionally: This can also be achieved using `journalctl` and be [limited by time](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Systemd/Journal#Clean_journal_files_manually). ### 3. Syntax highlight for nano - Description: Enable syntax highlighting for nano. - Requires: - How-to: Edit `~/.config/nano/nanorc` or to `/etc/nanorc` and add the following. - `include "/usr/share/nano/*.nanorc"`. - Additionally: [ArchWiki: Nano](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Nano#Syntax_highlighting). ### 4. Repeat a command using watch. ### 5. Use sudo !!. ### 6. Prevent overwriting files. - Description: Use alias for *rm*, *cp* and *mv*. - How-to: Add the following alias into your ~/.bashrc. - Use *-interactive* option to get asked before overwriting files. - `alias mv="mv -i"` - Additionally: Further reading in the Arch wiki. ### 7. Paccache timer - Requires: A pacman-based distro and the pacman-contrib package. ### 8. Passwordless SSH ### 9. Automatically clean orphaned packages. `0 20 * * * /usr/bin/pacman -Qtdq | /usr/bin/pacman -Rns -`