This is a random collection of useful things I came across.
It's mostly distro-agnostic but sometimes specific for pacman-based distros.
0. Short example template.
- Description: What is this good for.
- Requires: Do you need any particular software (provide a link)?
- How-to: Straight forward description and maybe a code example.
- Detailled description if necessary.
$ this is the actual code lol
- Aditionally: Anything else that might be important like additional ressources.
1. Automatic clear cache.
- Description: Automatically move files older than a specific amount of time from your user's
directory to the trash. - Requires: The rmtrash package and anacron.
- How-to: Add the following line to
.find ~/.cache/* -mtime +7 -exec rmtrash -rf {} \;
- This will move files older than 7 days in
to the trash every day.
- Additionally: This can also be done using regular
instead ofrmtrash
2. Limit systemd journal size.
- Description: Limit the systemd journal to a specific size.
- Requires: Specific to systems using systemd.
- How-to: Edit
and changeSystemMaxUse=50M
. - Additionally: ArchWiki: systemd.
- Additionally: This can also be achieved using
and be limited by time.
3. Syntax highlight for nano.
- Description: Enable syntax highlighting for nano.
- Requires: The nano editor.
- How-to: Edit
or to/etc/nanorc
and add the following:include "/usr/share/nano/*.nanorc"
- Additionally: ArchWiki: Nano.
4. Repeat a command using watch.
- Description: Repeat and watch a command in a custom interval.
- Requires: The procfs package.
- How-to: Use
followed by your command.- Example:
$ watch -n 1.0 "du -h -s ./$folder
- This prints the summarized size of $folder in human-readable format every second.
- Example:
- Additionally: ---
5. Repeat last command as su.
- Description: Repeat the last command using sudo.
- Requires: The sudo package.
- How-to: Just type
$ sudo !!
and the last command will be repeated usingsudo
. - Additionally: ---
6. Prevent overwriting files.
- Description: Use alias for
. - How-to: Add the following alias into your
.- Use -interactive option to get asked before overwriting files.
alias mv="mv -i"
- Additionally: ArchWiki: Core utilities.
7. Auto-clean package cache.
- Description: Automatically clean the pacman package cache using paccache.
- Requires: A pacman-based distro and the pacman-contrib package.
- How-to: Enable the paccache.timer.
$ systemctl enable paccache.time
- Additionally: Edit the paccache.service in /usr/lib/systemd/system/ and change the command to e.g. keep the latest installed version and no uninstalled version of all packages:
ExecStart=/usr/bin/paccache -rk1 && /usr/bin/paccache -ruk0
8. Passwordless SSH.
- Description: Connect to a remote maschine using SSH without a password.
- Requires: A SSH implementation like TinySSH.
- How-to: Generate a keypair and send the public key to the remote maschine's authorized keys.
- Generate a keypair:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
- Send the key:
$ ssh-copy-id $remote-username@$remote-ip-address
- Fill in the username and IP address of your remote maschine.
- For example:
$ ssh-copy-id foo@
- Generate a keypair:
- Additionally: Here's a more detailed tutorial.
9. Automatic clean orphaned packages.
- Description: Automatically remove orphaned packages.
- Requires: A pacman-based distribution and anacron.
- How-to: Add the following line to
.pacman -Qtdq | pacman -Rns -
- Additionally:
10. Automatic retrieve latest mirrors.
- Description: Automatically retrieve the latest Arch Linux mirrors and write them to the mirrorlist.
- Requires: An Arch-based distro and reflector.
- How-to: Install reflector and enable the reflector.timer.
$ systemctl enable reflector.timer
- Additionally: ArchWiki: Reflector.
11. Extract text containing keywords from any file.
- Description: This command will filter and sort text based on keyword from any file(s).
- Requires: GNU Coreutils, GNU grep
- How-to:
$ cat ./*/files* | grep -e keyword1 -e keyword2 | sort -u | nl > file
will take any file(s), multiple files in multiple subdirectories can be specified.grep -e
will look for any and/or all specified keywords.sort -u
will sort the results alphabetically and remove
will add a number in front of every result (optionally).>
will write everything in a specified file.
- Additionally: This is simply an example of how useful the coreutils can be, especially when used together.
12. Enable parallel downloads for pacman.
- Description: Enable parallel downloads for faster updates with pacman.
- Requires: A pacman-based distro.
- How-to: Edit pacman's config-file at
and uncommentParallelDownloads
and add a number of parallel downloads like 5 or 10.# nano /etc/pacman.conf
- Additionally: ArchWiki: Pacman.
13. Enable smartd service.
- Description: Enable the smartd daemon to monitor SMART status and emit notifications to log.
- Requires: smartmontools
- How-to:
- Enable the service
# systemctl enable smartd.service
- Uncomment/add the following line to
- Enable the service
- Additionally: ArchWiki: S.M.A.R.T.